Hose identification

With SchlauchIDENT® we can identify your hose line quickly and reliably

We record all the relevant data about your hose line on our IT system using our innovative procedure for identifying hose lines, SchlauchIDENT®. This removes the need for time-consuming and error-prone identification of hose lines, and we can get started with creating the new hose line straight away. We use this procedure in all our workshops and in our mobile call-out vehicles. This means that you can rely on us being able to get started straight away, wherever we are.

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The advantages of hose identification with SchlauchIDENT® for you

Easy subsequent ordering of hose lines

Fast and easy

With the help of the code we can identify any hose line straight away and produce it again.

As individual as a fingerprint

Error free

Thanks to the exact code specification, we are able to eliminate identification errors.

Sustainable documentation within the meaning of the BetrSichV

Legally secure

Comply with all your obligations as an operator and meet the requirements set out in the Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

SchlauchIDENT® in all branches and sprinters

Anytime & anywhere

Whether we are in the workshop or working on a mobile basis on-site, we are always able to identify your hose line immediately.

Hose identification enables us to repair your machines more quickly

Do you think we can identify your hose line with just 6 characters? Sounds impossible? It’s not! With SchlauchIDENT®, you simply give us the alphanumerical code of your hose line on the telephone, on-site or by email and this means that we already know which components make up your hose line.

This means that even people who are not familiar with hydraulics can order a replacement for a hose line from us. Once we know your SchlauchIDENT® code, we can immediately start to manufacture the new hose line and thus significantly reduce the downtime of your machine.

Each code only exists in our database once and is therefore as individual as a fingerprint. SchlauchIDENT® is therefore also used with our hose management service to monitor each individual hose line. 

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