Health and safety

Minimising risks is one the most important goals of our company

The health and safety of, and ensuring protection for, our employees and third-parties are the bases for our work as a company. The topic of health and safety is not only becoming increasingly important in industry and in trade, but also enjoys a high level of priority at HSR GmbH. Industrial safety, health and safety at work and fire protection is not something we see as a necessary hassle but, rather, this is really important to us. Measures on these topics are firmly anchored in our processes and procedures and are implemented on a daily basis.

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Our measures for increased safety

Our employees are continually provided with further tuition and training in the field of industrial safety, health and safety and fire protection. In addition, all new HSR employees are familiarised with all processes with a 6-week orientation period and work in accordance with these processes.

We not only meet the statutory requirements in terms of industrial safety, health and safety and fire protection, but we also have DIN ISO 450001 certification.

DIN ISO 45001 certified

DIN ISO 450001 is an occupational health and safety management system which creates a uniform international standard for health and safety management. This is associated with a number of advantages because increasing pressure from competitors and ever faster response times require error-free operational processes within the company. Accidents at work and downtime generally lead to issues in the production and supply process and, as a worst-case scenario, could lead to the loss of an order.

With an occupational health and safety management system, we are able to demonstrably reduce accident figures because industrial safety and health and safety matters are systematised. We sustainably lower the occupational and health risks for our employees, visitors, suppliers and service providers by means of tailored processes, compliance with legislation, standards and the latest technology.

Thanks to our health and safety management system, as a customer you can also be confident that we are doing all that is necessary and much more for industrial safety, health and safety and fire protection!

Do you have any questions?

Get in touch with us now!


Die HSR GmbH erhebt und verarbeitet die in dem Formular angegebenen personenbezogenen Daten, um für Sie die gewünschte Anfrage zu bearbeiten. Bitte beachten Sie bei den Formularen die Markierung der Pflichtfelder.

Rechtsgrundlage für diese Verarbeitung, der zwingend erforderlichen Daten, ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO, Durchführung einer vorvertraglichen Maßnahme. Die Verarbeitung der von Ihnen freiwillig mitgeteilten Daten erfolgt auf der Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Danach ist eine Verarbeitung zulässig, die zur Wahrung der unserer berechtigten Interessen erforderlich ist. Unser berechtigtes Interesse besteht darin, mit Ihnen, unseren Kunden, Kontakt zu haben, unsere Beratungsqualität zu verbessern und Sie bei möglichen Rückfragen einfacher kontaktieren zu können. Die erhobenen Daten werden von uns nur solange gespeichert, wie es für die Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage sowie zur Kontaktaufnahme mit Ihnen erforderlich ist. Danach werden sie gelöscht.

Ergänzende Datenschutzhinweise, insbesondere zu Ihren Rechten auf Auskunft, Berichtigung, Löschung, Einschränkung der Verarbeitung, Widerspruch und Beschwerde, finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.