Training center

We are constantly developing our skills and thus increasing the quality and level of expertise in hydraulics

Our customers not only expect technically qualified employees from us, but also high-quality products, expertise, a first-class service and safety in terms of industrial assembly, as well as preventive maintenance, including in emergency call-outs to construction sites. In order to ensure a very high level of quality and therefore meet our customers’ expectations, it is a basic requirement for us that our employees need to participate in regular training.

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Regular further training is our key to success

It is the ongoing further training that enables our employees to provide our customers with safe and expert advice. Things are constantly changing in hydraulics too. In order to ensure that our employees receive training that is optimally tailored to market requirements, we provide a variety of training and advanced professional seminars at our training centre. This is because we want to enable each of our employees to obtain the best-possible qualifications and further training. Since the individual development of our employees is important to us, we offer lots of different seminars, which include leadership seminars, for example.

During their intensive basic training, our employees are taught the special technical knowledge that they need to carry out their work. This takes place predominantly at our training centre in Essen and some parts of this take place at our selected training partner branches in Mannheim and Stahnsdorf. They are also able to gain initial practical experience on the sprinter, for example, at our branch in Wuppertal. 

The operators and constructors of hydraulic systems are responsible for dimensioning pipe and hose lines. In order to assemble these lines properly, it is essential to have the use of high-quality products and suitable tools and machines. Without these, our HSR employees are unable to provide the customer with optimum advice and assemble a hydraulic system without leaks, even if they work with the greatest level of care and attention. The modern systems require specialised knowledge and care and attention when working with the materials in terms of selecting the components that are important for the connection technology. 

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