Hose cleaning

Hose cleaning with the ptcsystem® for preventing premature wear and unexpected downtime

When hoses are stored and processed, the tiniest of particles can get into the hose. In order to ensure that these particles do not get into the hydraulic system and lead to problems there, we clean all hose lines and pipes within the framework of our Joint-Fit® process before assembly using the ptcsystem®. During this process, a projectile is shot through the hose or pipe at high pressure, which removes any particle residues from the inside of the hose. This is the only way to ensure that the hose line is safe and clean.

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Even just one contaminated hose can put the entire hydraulic system at risk

The complexity of hydraulic systems is constantly increasing. This is why the cleanliness of the components that are used is becoming increasingly important. This not only applies to pumps and valves but also for the pressure lines that connect them. 70 to 80% of all faults can be traced back to contamination of the hydraulic medium. Large particles (> 50 µm) which get into the lines during the production process are particularly dangerous. This is called primary contamination.

This contamination can lead to initial damage and unexpected downtime even directly after commissioning a system. Furthermore, primary contamination encourages additional particles to form during operation. These are known as secondary particles.

Using the ptcsystem® lowers the output load with primary contamination. The probability of premature downtime is significantly reduced, and the service life of important hydraulic components is extended. We clean every hose line using the ptcsystem® during the manufacturing process in all our branches and on all our sprinters. 

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