DGUV 113-020

Qualified professional and DGUV 113-020: why is this actually so important?

For users of hydraulic hose lines it is particularly important to know that the manufacturer of these hose lines uses a system that has undergone testing. Large companies generally comply with testing requirements, replacement schedules and the obligation to review safe operation. As a result of aging and wear, hydraulic hose lines must be checked regularly to ensure that their condition is safe. In order to do so, observance of and compliance with the recommendations of the trade association regulations, namely DGUV Regulation 113-020 “Hydraulic hose lines and hydraulic liquids rules for safe use”, are necessary.

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Risk assessment for the hydraulic lines by a qualified professional

The above-mentioned condition which is safe for operation must be reviewed by means of repeated tests of the hydraulic hose lines by “qualified professionals”. The training for “qualified professionals” is generally provided by means of special seminars that relate to the work equipment to be tested (hydraulic hose lines in this case). 

The above-mentioned condition which is safe for operation must be reviewed by means of repeated tests of the hydraulic hose lines by “qualified professionals”. The training for “qualified professionals” is generally provided by means of special seminars that relate to the work equipment to be tested (hydraulic hose lines in this case). 
The company is obliged to create a risk assessment for all hydraulically operated machines, systems and devices that specifies the nature, scope and interval of the tests. This risk assessment must be documented in writing and serves as an industrial protection measure. The results of the tests, including test report, must, of course, be recorded and retained for at least one year. All these requirements result from the industrial protection laws and are detailed in the Industrial Safety Regulation (Betriebssicherheitsverordnung).

As the provider of a tested system (Joint-Fit), we provide these particular companies with a significant advantage. Even at the procurement stage for hydraulic hose lines, it must be ensured that the lines comply with the applicable standards (e.g. DIN EN 853-857) and that their functionality can be proven by the manufacturer.

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